Common Underground Utility Locating Tools and Devices

underground private utility locating

When it comes to construction and excavation projects, the accurate location of underground utilities is crucial to ensure safety and prevent costly damage to properties. In this blog, discover the essential tools and devices used for underground private utility locating. For safe and efficient utility location projects in Southern California, contact us today!

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What is a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) & How Does it Work?

Ground penetrating radar

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a non-invasive geophysical method used to investigate subsurface materials and structures without damaging the site. It uses high-frequency electromagnetic waves to produce images of the subsurface, which can be used to locate and map buried objects and materials. This technology has numerous applications, including utility detection, environmental studies, geology, and …

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What is Potholing and Why is it Necessary in Underground Construction?

Utility potholing

Utility potholing is a crucial process in underground construction, helping to ensure that workers can safely and accurately excavate the ground without damaging critical infrastructure such as utility lines. In this blog, we’ll provide a comprehensive overview of potholing and its importance in construction projects. We’ll explain what potholing is, how it works, and the …

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The Basics of Potholing Construction and its Importance in Excavation Projects

potholing services

Potholing is a crucial process in excavation projects that involves creating a small, precise hole to locate and identify the exact position of underground utilities, such as fiber optic lines and utility poles. By using specialized equipment like vacuum excavation, potholing services are able to accurately identify and map the horizontal position and depth of …

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The Science Behind CCTV Pipe Inspection

CCTV pipe inspection

Having a damaged pipe can result in a myriad of terrible inconveniences and CCTV pipe inspection is a fantastic means to utilize technology to get to the root of every problem. If the problem lies in the sewer pipe, this could cause nearby areas to clog and produce a foul odor. Drainage systems that are …

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GPR Vs. Traditional Surveying Methods: Which One is Better for Your Project?

Ground penetrating radar

Before going about any construction or excavation process, it is essential to conduct a utility surveying process. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) has become a common and widely used method to locate underground utilities. This has many different benefits, and over time the technology has evolved to be more precise and efficient. Let’s have a closer …

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