For Utility Detection Contact Util-Locate: Professional Utility Locators in Orange County

Just relying on old blueprints or someone’s memory is a sure way to have an incident involving utility lines and services. Blueprints only show how a project was supposed to be laid out, but rarely do they show the actual as-built finished project. By hiring a company that specializes in utility detection services such as …

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Certified Accurate Underground Utility Locating Services in Southern California

It may seem simple to locate utility lines. Anyone with a hobby store purchased metal detector can locate a utility line . . . or can he? In reality, many utility lines are buried deeper than the average metal detector can sense. However, with the state of the art equipment of such companies as Util-Locate, …

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Hire Southern California’s No. 1 Underground Utility Locating Company

Seasoned project managers always build time into their schedules and money into their production budget for hiring the services of underground pipe locators. The companies that provide such services, along with those who are also underground wire locators, help to keep the long-term costs of a project in check. Without the services of professional underground …

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Orange County’s Utility Locating Company Providing The Good Choice of Utility Locating Services

Whether you’re an amateur contractor or a seasoned professional, it is still a wise choice to contact a competent underground Utility Locating Service before you start projects involved in digging into the ground. Companies who capable of locating not only the location of pipes and other utility lines, but also the depth of the pipes. …

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For Southern California Utility Line Locating Services, Call Our Utility Locators

UTIL-LOCATE provides mapping and underground utility line locating services according to design built specifications and after excavation. Our clients depend on us to keep the community safe by locating sensitive utility lines that form their infrastructure. Besides our true diligence in line locating, our services also include (GPR) Ground Penetrating Radar for all non-conductive lines …

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