As a prosperous area, National City residents and businesses are regularly making structural alterations, starting new developments, or excavating for installations such as pools and sprinkler systems. Knowing exactly what is under the ground, before you dig, will ensure that there is no safety risk, liability, or setbacks for a project.
Gas mains, sewerage, water mains, and electrical and telecommunications could all be running under your property. In the case of sewerage, gas, and electrical, intercepting a cable or pipe could come with significant risk. Damage, death, and injury are all possibilities if you haven’t called a company that specializes in National City underground utility locating. Read more about california locating services.
When you arrange for a private utility locator to visit your site, they will ensure that your excavation plans won’t pose a risk to yourself, your contractors, or the underground utilities. In this way you can avoid any interruptions to your project, and also avoid any liability from injury claims and property damage.
Util-Locate is a premier San Diego County underground utility locating company. Educational institutions, government and military, private sector, contractors, and residential landowners, all choose Util-Locate for their speedy, professional, and accurate service.
Our Services:
- National City Utility Locating
- National City Buried Pipe Line Locating
- National City Ground Penetrating Radar
- National City Utility Mapping & AutoCAD
- National City Surface & Concrete Scanning
- National City Pipe Video Camera Inspection
- National City Damage Prevention
- National City 24-hr Emergency Services