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    Impact of Underground Infrastructure in San Bernardino County

    Founded in 1853, San Bernardino County has an approximate population of 2 million people and covers an area of 20,100 square miles. Mountain and desert areas have a minority of the population, with the majority of residents living in urban areas. The city of San Bernardino has the highest number of residents (209,924). The population of cities like Victorville, Rancho Cucamonga, Fontana and Ontario ranges between 115,000 and 200,000.

    Real estate varies in price because of the diverse ages of homes and the areas in which they are built. San Bernardino underground utility locating services have a challenge because underground infrastructure records have gaps in data. There are two-lane highways with low traffic in some areas. Interstate 10 has so much use that the county is considering tolls to pay for widening the freeway. A 30 percent increase in traffic is expected between now and 2043.

    When a person or business is considers residential or commercial development or excavation, it is vital to have San Bernardino utility locators determine where underground utilities are placed. Striking power or gas lines with equipment can result in loss of those utilities to area residents, damage to equipment and injury or death to those nearby. Have the area marked first to warn workers away.

    Underground utility infrastructure includes conduits, cables, wires and pipelines designed to safely carry each form of utility to users:

    • Cable and wire are used to transmit signal for telephone and television.
    • Gas and water pipes are used to carry natural gas, wastewater and refuse in sewer pipe, and water.
    • Power lines are also laid out underground to carry electrical power.

    Underground Utility Detection

    A geophysical method of mapping items below the surface, a Ground Penetrating Radar System uses high frequency radio waves to detail what is underground.

    Utility Mapping is done by using a CAD program to show the utility underground infrastructure, show the locations of defects, damages and faults, and show areas designated for future infrastructure development.

    Utility maps on file with plans may no longer be accurate. Plans may have changed after receiving the permit or pipes, wires and cables moved at a later date due to shifts in the earth. Abandoned plans indicate underground infrastructure where none exists.

    It is upsetting to believe a sewer line is in a certain place only to find out it was never set in that location. Util-Locate, is one of the San Bernardino utility locators that understands this problem. Commercial and residential property owners are glad a business can find where underground utilities are located before their maintenance projects begin.

    Even if it is just digging a hole to put in a new mailbox, it is important to verify the area is clear. can prevent embarrassing or disastrous accidents by searching for, marking and mapping buried cable, wire, lines and pipes. Know more utility locator company.

    We serve the following cities: San Bernardino, FontanaRancho CucamongaOntarioVictorvilleRialtoChinoUplandColtonMontclair.

    Our Services:

    • Utility Locating
    • Ground Penetrating Radar
    • Utility Mapping & AutoCAD
    • Surface & Concrete Scanning
    • Pipe Video Camera Inspection
    • Damage Prevention
    • 24-hr Emergency Services
    Confirm a safe project by calling Util-Locate today at 1 (866) 421-5325, securing their services and getting a permanent record of underground utility locations.
    Related page: vacuum excavation servicesutility locating company

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